duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

Convingeri-Limitari si Provocari

Convingerile (beliefs) stau la baza realizarilor personale obtinute de fiecare om.
Aceste convingeri au rolul de a sustine comportamente sanatoase sau nesanatoase cum ar fi fumatul, excesul alimentar si consumul de droguri sau a face sport, a-ti acorda timp pentru tine, alimentatie sanatoasa, alocarea disponibilitatii pentru pasiuni, etc.
Foarte magic imi pare faptul ca poti genera planuri prin care sa va transformati convingerile nesanatoase in declansatori ale starii de bine. Fabulos!

La baza scenariilor de viaţă stau convingerile. Convingerile personale sunt cele care ne influenţează şi ne determină comportamentul. Ele alcătuiesc scenariul vieţii noastre.

De aceea este interesant să ne (auto)explorăm personalitatea pentru a ne cunoaşte, înţelegând modul în care acţionăm şi funcţionăm atunci când avem convingerea că vom reuşi în atingerea scopului spre deosebire de situaţiile în care convingerile altor persoane sunt lipsite de speranţe în atingerea scopului.

Provocarea este sa ne exploram personalitatea pentru a ne cunoaste, sa intelegem cum actionam, cum functionam in momentul in care avem convingerea si credem cu adevarat ca vom reusi in atingerea scopului.

Scenariul de viaţă este legat de ceea ce dorim să realizăm în viaţă, actorul principal suntem noi, dar şi alte personaje şi cu toţii avem de jucat anumite roluri.

Convingerile pot fi exprimate sub formă de declaraţii, dar declaraţiile acestea sunt declaraţii emoţionale, ele nu sunt declaraţii factuale şi constau în opinii pe care le-am stocat de-a lungul timpului. Convingerile noastre sunt puncte de vedere emoţionale despre noi înşine, despre alţii, despre viaţă şi ele sunt conturate de scopul şi identitatea noastră şi invers, ele sprijină ceea ce suntem şi ceeea ce putem deveni. Convingerile funcţionează sub forma valorilor în funcţie de care luăm decizii în viaţă. Acestea sunt calităţile pe care le considerăm importante pentru felul în care ne conducem viaţa, activitatea, afacerea.

Mai am inca o provocare pentru voi, si anume...tu cel care citesti, acorda-ti un moment si trece in revista cateva convingeri limitative (ex: toti sunt impotriva mea, nimeni nu ma iubeste) care iti ghideaza existenta. Cat de generale sunt? Cat de puternice sunt? Cat de prezente sunt in viata ta?

O tema interesanta pentru in seara asta!

Enjoy your descovery!

marți, 17 noiembrie 2009

What is the Real Secret to Influential Communication?

Over the past several decades, mounting evidence from cognitive research has demonstrated that conscious awareness is often only aware of an action after the nerve impulses have been sent to the body. In other words, we act before we consciously know what we are doing!

Hypnosis, as an art, is designed to speak to the whole of the mind, and the skilled hypnotist can both speak to and understand the subtle communications of the mind on various levels. In most cases, when you talk with your friends, customers, family, and other acquaintances, it's quite natural to base our conversations and persuasions upon speaking to the conscious mind.

But more and more, we begin to see, as we peer into the brain, that this consciousness isn't, is it, the real power. It's not even told what is happening until after it's already begun, how can it be in charge. So, if we want to interact with people on that truly meaningful level, the level where we can actually impact their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, we need to communicate with more than just that tiny island of consciousness.

Mastering that art brings with it a great many boons, for we discover that we can truly connect with anyone, even a complete stranger, in a way that makes it far simpler to create the positive outcomes we seek. The conversational hypnotist can easily guide the mind, shaping images, unleashing tiny bursts of emotion, calling back memories, speaking the language of the mind.

This is the pathway to communicating effectively, to connecting with the whole of the other person, not that conscious persona alone. Perhaps you can imagine, or may already have experienced, the benefits of those abilities and how they can positively impact our relationships, both personally and professionally. It's easy to recognize that communication is one of those core skills, and it's natural to wonder how we might improve. Conversational hypnosis can provide those skills.

marți, 3 noiembrie 2009

Get Out of Mental Hibernation! Training Your Internal Coach for Success

Do you realise that every time you speak to yourself you are actually coaching yourself? Are you empowering yourself through your own internal dialogue or beating yourself up? Is that little voice inside of you your best friend or a saboteur? How would you like to be able to train your internal coach so that it keeps you focused and motivated, especially during challenges?

Master your thoughts, master your results

Because 80% of our results depend on our mindset, the key to mastering our results in business and in life is to master our thoughts. Our thoughts comprise things we imagine, hear, feel, smell, taste and our internal communication with ourselves. Every thought we think and/or speak acts as a suggestion. So if we tell ourselves “I can’t do it” often enough, after a while we will condition ourselves to believe this.

If you are getting results other than what you want, ask yourself “How do I want to change my internal communication so I achieve the results I desire?” Having the flexibility to adapt our communication is the key to producing our desired results.

Training your internal coach

There are many techniques available to help you to train your internal coach for business and personal success. Here are a couple of very simple and effective techniques that you can begin applying immediately.

1. Any time you are faced with a challenge ask yourself the question “How?”. “How?” is a very powerful question because it allows you to come up with the solutions, opportunities and options, rather than dwelling on or being stuck in the problem. For example, the question: “How have I contributed to creating this situation?” is much more powerful than the question: “Why did this happen?” Answers to the former question will provide you with learnings which will assist you to find solutions, while answers to the latter question will give you lots of reasons and will keep you dwelling on the problem. The former is much more empowering.

2. Start giving yourself daily or weekly feedback on the actions you are taking. Instead of beating yourself up when faced with challenges, telling yourself all the things you could have or should have done, give yourself some constructive feedback. Sit down at the end of each day or week and write down the answers to four questions:

What did I do well today/this week?
What can I improve?
What can I learn from this?
Overall, how was my day/week? (end on a positive)

This will assist you to learn and grow from your actions and help you move to the next level of your personal and professional performance! Used consistently, this becomes an extremely powerful process for training your internal coach for success.

Make room for the new

You have probably heard of the expression - empty out the old to make room for the new. Before we can achieve total mastery of our thoughts and internal communication, we first need to let go of old thought patterns (ie. declutter our mind from negative emotions, limiting beliefs, internal confusion, negative self talk and disempowering behaviours). Because to the extent that we still have old thought patterns, these will come in and distract, confuse or compromise our thinking and, therefore, our results.

By letting go of the old thought patterns, we will make room for the new. In turn, we can coach ourselves to great business and personal success, and truly become masters of our results and our destiny!
